Sanitary Type “C” Design
The CSC Series of centrifugal pumps have been designed for a wide range of applications where stainless steel product wetted components are essential to maintain hygienic processing standards.
The Sain-C pumps are designed for CIP applications and are accepted as meeting the 3A standards by the appropiate committees of the Internaciona Association ok Milk, Food and Environmental Sanitarians, the U.S. Public Health Service and the Dairy Industry Commitee.
The Sani-C pumps are ideally suited to applications in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, fine chemical, food, beverage, and dairy processing industries, where full cleanability and corrosion resistance are essential.
The CSC Series pump consists of a standard NEMA C and/or IEC flange motor, a 304 stainless steel adapter and 316L pump shaft, casing, rotating impeller and backplate.
A variety of shaft seals (with and without flush) are available to meet specific application needs. The standard design is based on a volute style pump casing.
Mechanical seals
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