Through this statement, PFCUSA, LLC will address the company’s quality system, offer instruction and guidance to employees whose actions affect product quality and inform its customers of the controls which are implemented to assure product quality and design.
The Quality Assurance Statement of PFCUSA, LLC is based on customer stisfaction. We strive for continuous improvement in our quality systems. It is our goal to meet the following objectives:
- Supplying products that meet or exceed our customer’s requirements and expectations.
- Providing a service that results in customer satisfaction.
- Continuous development of a dependable vendor base.
Continuous improvement and accountability will allow PFC-USA to meet the requirements of our company and the requirements of our customers.
By meeting the objectives defined above, PFCUSA will be able to:
1. Provide defect free products.
2. Provide customer satisfaction by ensuring:
- On time deliveries.
- All contract requirements are met.
- Exceptional product quality and design.
- Exceptional service quality.
3. Assist vendors and subcontractors to prevent late deliveries and delivery of defective product.
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